Edward Lear’s limerick is evidence enough that beards have evoked more than a passing attention from mankind:
“There was an old man with a beard,
Who said, “It is just as I feared! –
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!”

The hirsute appendage comes in a staggeringly large selection, a cross-section of which is seen the world over. What induces men to sport facial growth? One might say there’s more to it than meets the eye!
Frances had no doubt that it enhanced his sex appeal. But would you believe it, his girlfriend prefers him without it. He first adorned it to show off the adult appearance and life without it now seems inconceivable. The extra minutes he was able to slumber by not shaving made up for everything!
Some gentlemen liked it hairy, but their wives were determined it would have to go NOW. They declared it was not possible to look at him first thing in the morning or last time at night. He had to choose: her forever with a clean chin or never.
Mr. Mathews’ beard was a chance experiment. During study leave before the exams, a group of them decided not to shave. That was the time when the Che Guevara cult was gathering momentum in high school circles. Mathews is convinced it gives him individuality and makes identification easier. Mathews felt the only drawback was that children were inevitably scared of him for a while. His twin brother is similarly adorned which can actually make identification a problem!
Luxurious and full, Mr. Thomas’ beard, according to him, successfully camouflages his double chin. The new beard Mr Weatherby wore looked odd but he was exceedingly proud of the change. That is, until his wife looked up and jeered:
“The hair on your chin
Is so very thin”,
So he dashed off and had it all sheared!”