Geri Yeoman first visited the Emirates in 1973 to introduce the Silva Mind Control Method. Her trip was so successful that she decided to continue her visits at regular intervals. “I was overwhelmed by the response,” she added, “I felt there was a need and the series of lectures that made up the course was a learning experience which taught you to use your brain to a higher capacity.”
A statement such as ‘you only use 10% of your brain’ is a fact that is quoted very often. Man has very deep-seated abilities, but there are not many of us who try and find out what these latent abilities are or try and make use of them. Geri explained that the course helped you to develop these latent abilities in a series that runs for 40 hours and can be broken up into four basic sections.
The first section helps you to completely relax both body and mind and slow down your brain wave frequency. A sort of free-floating harmony with different parts of the body right down to the cells and molecules. A person can be inactive and still be upright and tense but mental relaxation is making yourself see visually tranquil scenes to make yourself relax and help your mind unburden.
The second phase is general self-improvement which, in more ways, clears away some of the common problems of a human being. The third and fourth phase is referred to ESP or Effective Sense of Sensory Projection – it is something that all of us have. It is really learning how to give information and how to transmit it on a controlled basis. Geri made it clear that Silva Mind Control does not in any way help to control another person’s mind. You can control other people’s transient thoughts but a person has a right to accept or reject this influence. She explained how a message of a detrimental nature cannot get through at this level of mind. Therefore, you cannot use this method to transmit harm, hate and destruction because it will be rejected.
Geri discussed how helpful this was for children below 14 years of age. However, she does not recommend that someone taking the course should try and teach another adult. The training period is quite extensive and the instructor is able to see if the person is progressing through the course correctly. Trying to teach another adult could lead to a lot of misunderstandings. However, in the case of a parent who has taken the course, you can repeat a hundred times to a child ‘please clean your room’ and you will get no response but if you can transmit the message to the child through a visual picture in the brain, it is far more successful. The brain operates in pictures not words and if the child can visually see what you want them to do, it is far more successful. In fact, Geri says that this method has helped people work more harmoniously within themselves and society.
This is a wonderful article.
This sounds like a promising method if it encourages children to do what you what you want them to!