Aerobics, yoga, Pilates, kicking boxing, training, all and any movement is good for both body and mind. It is essential to be aware how much you can accomplish on one day aiming to follow a pattern and build a routine. If you are feeling especially muggy, I would start with this: sit back on your haunches with your spine erect (or you can do this sitting on a chair). Place your left hand on your thigh. Place the index and forefinger of your right hand on the top of your nose. Your thumb should now be on the right nostril, your ring finger by the left. Now close the right nostril by pressing your thumb against it. Breathe in through your left nostril slowly and deeply. Now press your ring finger against the left nostril, closing it. Release the right nostril and breathe out through it. Breathe in once again through your right nostril reversing the process and then out through your left…And so on. Do this eight times. It is important to keep your back straight and head well up – not bent deep into your chest.

Now lie on your back on the floor. Let your breathing slowly develop into a nice deep unforced rhythm. This should take one or two minutes.

Now think of each breath as literally a breath of life, drawing cleanliness, light, energy, health into you. You are going to take seven breaths, with each one concentrating on one part of the body – some people like to do this as if the breath is light entering the body, but you may prefer to visualise it as the flow of water, or simply as a current of cool clean air.

The seven breaths done slowly and concentratedly, this exercise is very relaxing. Never try to do it twice running. The best time is at night, immediately before bed. In other words, make sure you have locked up, put the milk bottles out and set the central cooling. Got rid of the cat or anything else that will disturb the deep rhythm the routine creates.

Each inhalation is through the nose, each exhalation is through the mouth. Now breathe in through the back of the back of the head slowly and deeply. Fuel the energy flow from the back of your head down to your abdomen. Hold the breath to the count of five and then release it. Don’t force it, let it take its own pace, through the mouth. Feel the stillness at the end of the breath for a minute or two.

Now breathe in through the forehead and follow the same routine.

Now the base of brain.

Now the abdomen.

Now the sexual organs.

Now the soles of the feet.

Now take another breath in through

the whole body.

As you breathe it out feel total

relaxation in the body.

Get up slowly and go to bed.

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