This is the second part of the earlier blog entitled “Life through rose-tinted glasses”

The subject of Colour traces its birth in Light, and Light takes us back to the moment of Creation. This subject is so deep and vast, and the four years spent by Nina Guleria, a colour therapist and healer, on understanding its aspects and functions, its working and its effects, its intrinsic need and importance in our lives and existence, was, she felt, an extremely short amount of time for such a subject.

Why is this subject important to know and understand? “It’s because these wavelengths of the many colours are determining our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being on an ongoing, continuous basis. And that is because we are made up of billions of light cells! Each cell in our body, regardless of where it is and what its function, subsists and survives on a supply of light, and hence, colour.”

According to Nina, colour creates moods, raises or lowers our spirits, affects our health, our vitality, our immune system, functions of our organs and organ systems, in short, our health, in total. She continues “The beautiful part is that instinctively, and from some part of our minds, we are aware of what is short and we bring that in, somehow. We just seek it out.”

A weight loss program is also carried out using colour. Both underweight and overweight people have an imbalance of colour in their aura, called LOCH or lack of colour harmony. The theory is that food, never mind the calorie count, is nothing more than light and colour. The growing plant absorbs light and colour from the sun through photosynthesis and transmits it into nutrients. When you digest the food, the material breaks down and changes back into light and colour.

Meditation with colour, colour breathing, placing of coloured silks and directing of coloured lights on to the body are other ways of healing with colour. A light box, a coffin shaped structure, is the most common form of directing colour to the body using coloured filters. Your favourite colours, the ones you wear, paint your walls with, speak volumes about your personality to a therapist.

New born babies with jaundice have long been treated in hospitals with phototherapy. The baby is placed in an incubator and exposed to blue light. The light breaks down the bile pigment, bilirubin, which then passes out of the body. The far infrared ray known as the bio ray has a resonant effect on cells.

If the medicine of the future is light, inventors are busy creating machines to administer it. John Whale, an English electronics engineer, uses emerald and blue sapphire in his Lux Caduceus 111 to imbue light with the characteristics of the gem at a quantum level. Our bodies sense this at a subliminal level. Whale’s patients have recovered from psoriasis, cystitis, arthritis, eczema and other disorders. Theo Gimbel uses a torch, crystal needle and filters. In St. Petersburg, the Russians have a photobiology department where professors irradiate blood, a technique that has been approved by the American FDA. Syntonics was the first therapy that shone light directly into the eyes, improving vision and boosting the immune system.

Research at the Laser Biological Institute in Moscow has shown that monochromatic light reaches the very nucleus of the cells and wakes up the body at the deepest cellular level. The Monochrome Light Dome at Kew in England, one of ten in the world, and brainchild of Swedish Architect Karl Ryberg, effectively treats phobias, depression and stress-related disorders. Thrity Engineer, author, calls the integrated system of healing with pure light 3S, for subtle, sacred and scientific.

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